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Car Leasing Comparison

Our easy-to-use car lease comparison lets you quickly compare the best lease prices. A sample of our hottest offers are highlighted below, but remember to check out our special offers to view a list of all deals currently available.

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How does our comparison work?

Just select the car type or budget that you're looking to work within and our lease calculator will then search through thousands of the latest deals from the UK's top finance companies to help you find your perfect match.  If you're still unsure what you're looking for you can use our site search tool, where you'll be able to jump straight to the cars that are right for you.

If you have any questions simply call one of our leasing specialists who will be able to assist you with finding the best deal, to suit your needs and budget.

Car Leasing Comparison

Compare thousands of cars based on: Price, Make, Type or Performance.

Our website let's you sift through the latest lease deals from the UK's best-known finance companies.

You'll find leading prices on both personal car leasing and business car leasing, with one of the widest selection of manufacturers and models available in the market.

Our prices are always competitive and we'll compare any lease quote with our price match challenge policy. We'll aim to beat or match any price!


Frequently asked questions about our car lease comparison tool
  • The best way to compare lease deals is by using a car leasing comparison tool. Our website has a unique compare feature that will help you find the best deal from thousands of car offers and finance funders. You can also view the hottest lease deals right now on our specials page.

  • Intelligent Car Leasing compares the best lease rates from the UK's top car finance companies, which means our pricing is consistently one of the most competitive in the market. That's why thousands of customers trust us to find them the best deal.

  • No, a deposit is not compulsory on any lease deals compared through our website. We offer a 1-month initial rental term on all vehicles. Please refer to our no deposit car leasing guide for more info.

  • This can depend on the stock that manufacturers have available and will likely vary on a weekly basis. We have special terms with some of the UK's leading manufacturers which means when you compare and search through Intelligent Car Leasing you are guaranteed a competitive rate.


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